Specialized outpatient medical and dental care, consultations, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation, prevention and monitoring of sick and dental patients, prescription of laboratory and other types of research
The clinic consists of several departments equipped with the most modern technical equipment. We have a dedicated specialized laser venous center for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of venous diseases. Innovative methods are applied that are minimally invasive and patient-friendly.
In “Imani” you will feel not only the professionalism of medical care, but also the human attitude and understanding that everyone needs.

The best care at varicose veins
In Imani Medical Center there is a separate specialized laser vein center for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of venous diseases. They also applyinnovative methods that are minimally invasive and patient-friendly.
We apply a complex approach in the treatment of varicose veins:
- The consultation with a vascular specialist – a vascular surgeon or angiologist
- Ultrasound vascular diagnostics (vessel Doppler)
- Treatment of varicose veins – by choosing one or a combination of the most modern minimally invasive methods
- Follow-up and monitoring of treatment and achieved results